News – See the latest news from around the Nation on Violence

Death Row Inmate Last Wish

We found a powerful message on facebook written by a death row inmate and his final wish. The last wish A death row inmate awaiting execution, asked as a last wish a pencil and paper. After writing for several minutes, the convict called the prison guard and asked...

Program shows teens realities of gun violence

PHILADELPHIA -- In the hallways of Temple University Hospital trauma unit, Scott Charles tells a harrowing tale of 16-year-old Lamont Adams. A group of high school students gathers around him, as Charles explained what happened to Adams on September 23, 2004. "He's...

7 year old shot 6 times

Found this one Facvecbook, but things like this happen all the time. Why did this girl have to be shot in the first place, but things like this happen in Urban America all the time.

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